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Who invented aspirin?

Wikimedia Commons Aspirin may be one of Western medicine’s strongest connections to ancient remedies. On this day in 1897, a German chemist named Felix Hoffman created a chemically pure and stable form of salicylic acid–otherwise known as the active ingredient in aspirin, the drug which came to be produced by Bayer, the company he worked for.

How did aspirin get its name?

The name Aspirin was derived from the name of the chemical ASA— Acetylspirsäure in German. Spirsäure (salicylic acid) was named for the meadowsweet plant, Spirea ulmaria, from which it could be derived. : 40 Aspirin took a - for the acetylation, - spir - from Spirsäure, and added - in as a typical drug name ending to make it easy to say.

When did aspirin become a drug?

In 1982 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in recognition of this work and aspirin started to become established as a drug for treating and preventing cardiovascular. In 1985 Carlo Patrono with his research group showed that low dose aspirin permanently inhibits thromboxane 9.

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